Sunday, March 1, 2009

Sunday, February 22, 2009

2 Chatter Boxes!

are repeating EVERYTHING its soooo cute!
in madagascar they said something about sandiego and Joey starts saying
"sandy go go! sandy go go!" he repeats EVERYTHING. literally like a parrot. If I say "whats today? sunday." "sun-day" and will try to say sunday. if he knows you want him to repeat the word he really tries!
and Emma is just randomly using words. its amazing! they have both learned a lot of new sign language lately as well.
its SOOOOOOOOOOOOO fun when they get verbal!

Joey called Dave a few minutes ago and said
"I call you daddy. I love you daddy. Baby is on bed. Okay, bye."

Emma will say
"No kicking! No biting! No hitting! No pushing! The Rules!" Joey says this too, but he says "them the rules"

Joey also says things like

"I like-uh the hot dog" or "I like uh IT the 'sanlitch' " he adds some extra words into his sentences sometimes its hilarious!

Emma says things like

"AWE, its okay baby. no cry baby. gentle, gentle." and pet his head or give him a hug or kiss.
She will also take his head and push it against my boob if he isnt latched on and say "drink baby! milk! drink it!"

Friday, February 6, 2009

Rambling Update

Joey and Emma are sick, emma slept all day yesterday (literally) she is much better today.

She is constantly asking for "stories" and "more" "more" "more" stories and more stories. and read more. more more more. LOL

She has went form saying "joey coming?" to "joey coming him" I told her not right now he is at school he will come home later.

later she says "stories" and I say okay. then she says "bye daddy. bye lincoln. nap" and walked to her room. then she wanted me to read a bajillion stories (she read a lot too, she's over 30 words she can read now).

so as we are sitting in her bed about to read she says to me "joey's not here" she loves her brother. its been cute watching her language develop and understanding grow!

its been cold here. we got a fire pit for out back yard and all hung out there the other night. Joey loves it. Joey has been doing better for a while, but yesterday and this morning he was a nightmare.

Lincoln is pulling to standing now, and starting to get on his hands and knees but still army crawling. the front top teeth are cutting right now too.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kids say the darnest things :)

This conversation transpired this morning between Emma and I.

Emma: Mommy wearing green.
Me: Yes. Are you naked? (we are potty training)
Emma: No.
Me: No? What are you wearing?
Emma: Elbows! (and points to her elbows)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Christmas 2008 Video

The kids had an awesome Christmas, though we did the presents in Jan 2009 instead of Christmas Day 2008. They were so happy with each present, it took some coaxing to get them to open up the next present. This is good, because next Christmas will not be as plentiful as this one LOL

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quick Update!

I have been soooooooooo busy lately. Just trying to join my kids more in "their world". We have also started using the Your Baby Can Read program... I admit I am skeptical, but it has good reviews and it gives me something to do with the kids... Though it's very hard to keep their attention on me when there are always 2 or 3 of them here - they end up paying attention to each other, especially Lincoln who is VERY interested in everything big brother and big sister are doing. They are very inclusive of him as well. He loves to chase them around the house in his walker, which I thought I would never own one... but for Lincoln it helps his exploratory development since he just wants to follow everyone around lol... man are our feet getting ran over though - he's FAST!

He is also pulling himself up to standing now. It's amazing how fast they grow up. Saying Dada AND Mama now, and vocalizing some other sounds. He also tries to copy me when I blow air in his face (he thinks its funny).

Emma has been amazing lately too... it's so funny how one day she doesn't know a word and 2 days later she is saying it perfectly. It just really floors me. I know - its normal - but to me it's very new and exciting!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Crawling - We have take off!

I didn't expect Lincoln to crawl so soon. Whenever he would try he would get really mad or accidentally roll over. Then one day, it just... happened! In the video you will see his first day crawling in the first 2 clips - last week - and a Video of him today, really getting the hang of it now! This is about the age Joey started crawling... though Joey was much faster! Lincoln wasn't really interested in crawling. He likes to play with the "big kid" toys and walk around in his walker. He had an "around we go" entertainer, but he was always dragging it behind him like it was a walker so we switched it for a real walker... now he flies around the house in it! Lincoln also now says mama, after a few weeks of only saying dada. Today I thought to give him the chance to color with some paper and crayons as well. I thought it would be more me showing him what to do, but to my amazement he immediately scribbled on the paper. He did good for a couple minutes, then wanted to eat the crayon. And then the paper. That was the end of that - and he wasn't very happy about it. I have to say he is the most fun baby I've met at this age! He is very interactive. I *think* he will be a later walker early talker type baby. Only time will tell!